Channel: Transposh – Rhuav tshem cov kev cob qhia kev hais lus
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Sib ntsib dua wordpress.org

Goodbye wordpress.org
mam sib ntsib os, peb muaj cov suckers… 🙁

Plaub lub xyoos tom qab mus rau lub repository wordpress, thiab 189,795 tom qab downloads, Transposh will be leaving the wordpress.org repository.

Thaj, txhua zaum no peb widget muaj ib qhov txuas rau peb kawm ntawv, thiab txawm hais tias nws tau tawm nws yog, this was against the wordpress.org guidelines.

Qhov no yog ib cov yeej uas peb yeej tsis yuav, peb ntseeg hais tias tsim kom peb nyog daim credit rau peb kev ua haujlwm. Tsis tsawg dua li twitter, Facebook, or any other well known company providing third party widgets out there.

Peb kuj yuav tsis txais cov Disease fact tias peb plugin yuav raug tshem tawm tsis tau daim ntawv ceeb toom, thiab tsis muaj tej lub sij hawm kom pauv, right out of the blue.

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Yog txhaj dawb xwb yuav ua rau kev txiav txim uas lawv nyiam, thaum kawg no, qhov lawv hosting thiab lawv cov kev cai. Tsis liam fab uas, luckily enough we don’t have to accept them.

Yog hais tias koj xav nroo, tsis txhob yws no, sim thiab yws rau qhov forums, tab sis, kuv xam yog hais tias koj yuav tau moderated, wordpress.org tsis yog ib tug kev cai ywj pheej, tsis yog nws ib tug GPL txoj kev kawm, txhua yam muaj yuav tsum pub dawb, raug nqi, thiab hais lus, yog vim li cas neb tons of crippled plugins uas tsuas pab raws li qib rau ib tug pro version. Qhov no kuj pom li cas lawv tias kom peb ua zaj nrog Transposh. Thiab peb tsis nyiam nws, not one bit.

Yog hais tias tus tom ntej version yuav puas tau uploaded ntawd site, nws yuav yog ib tug crippled version, (Yog tias tsis muaj txog ntawm no, puab tseeb) thiab cov tug version usable feem ntau tsis. Qhov tseeb version (cov ceg tawv) yuav txais no muaj cai nyob rau lub download tau nplooj. To which we will now have to add an update mechanism.

Feel free to discuss this in the comments here.

Ces ntev wordpress.org, and thanks for all the fish.

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